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Care2's Digital Engagement Blog

    Care2 Team 17.06.2024 5 min read

    Are nonprofits aware of the dangers of email co-ops?

    A recent MSN.com article is calling attention to a serious potential risk for charities ...
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    James Barnard 05.03.2024 11 min read

    5 AI Fundraising Ethical Considerations for Nonprofits

    Despite its controversy, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly popular in ...
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    Care2 Team 20.02.2024 2 min read

    Digital Strategy Summit 2024: Calling all nonprofit professionals!

    With five packed days of online content, the Digital Strategy Summit 2024 can help your ...
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    Karrie Wozniak 08.02.2024 12 min read

    How to Set Realistic Targets for Your Awareness Campaign

    If your nonprofit is looking for a way to get the word out about your cause and grow your ...
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    Care2 Team 01.02.2024 2 min read

    Master Spreadsheets with AI: Tools To Maximize Efficiency At Your Nonprofit

    Love them or hate them, spreadsheet are a fact of life for most nonprofit professionals! ...
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    Javan Van Gronigen 11.01.2024 11 min read

    Social Media for Nonprofits: How to Build a Community Online

    If you’re one of the 97% of nonprofits that use social media regularly to engage ...
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    Care2 Team 02.01.2024 5 min read

    Custom GPTs and how your nonprofit organization can use them!

    Happy New Year, nonprofit professionals! We have a fantastic "how to" guide to jumpstart ...
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    Care2 Team 14.12.2023 2 min read

    Honoring A Friend - The Joe Baker Fund

    Care2, Engaging Networks, and The Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) are honoring the ...
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