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Audience Profile

Tap into a very passionate and arguably the largest community of potential donors and supporters.
Care2 possesses a unique trait that other online communities lack: a like-minded community with shared values and a real purpose for learning and taking action.
That’s why Care2 members are more serious about causes, about nonprofit organizations, and about voting with their dollars than those found on other social networks, or Google visitors at large...

Ideal Demographics

Care2 members are more mature than those found on Facebook, and have both the educational interest and financial capacity to support the nonprofit causes that are important to them.

Yet, they are remarkably younger than some existing direct mail donor databases, making them arguably the largest community of potential donors and supporters.

Our Audience by the numbers:

  • 67% College Educated
  • 65% household income > $75,000
  • 75% Female
  • Average age range: 30-60
Woman on computer reading email


Here's How Our Members Stack Up

They have the right psychographic profile

Care2.com acts like a magnet for the very people nonprofits and socially conscious brands are seeking.

Our members are educated, high income, and typically younger than other direct mail donor lists.

They're Active

Predominantly female, well-educated, middle class, and civically active both online and offline.

  • 82% have created or signed a petition
  • 62% have contributed financially to a nonprofit organization
They're Engaged

Our members spend time on the Care2 site each day taking action –posting articles, commenting on blogs, as well as creating and signing petitions– to help make the world a better place.

In fact, 47% of our active members visit Care2 every single day.

Our critical mass is around the following member profiles

  • Haley
  • Jill
  • Angela

Under 35 year old (26% of users)

  • Very active social life online and offline. In a committed relationship and has one pet.
  • Checks care2.com as well as other social networking sites obsessively.
  • Loves to be the first “in the know.”
  • Considers herself a trendsetter.
  • Is more health conscious than most of her friends.
  • They come to her for lifestyle advice.
  • Reads food labels and seeks healthy choices for her family.
  • Socially conscious and cares about the environment.
  • Believes “natural” is better for her and the planet.

35-44 years old (27% of users)

  • Does yoga several times a week.
  • Very busy with a job, husband, two young children, and a pet.
  • Owns her own house and works on it often.
  • Checks the Care2 site for news, recipes, and ways to maintain a healthy home.
  • Loves to garden with the kids.
  • Looks at the ingredients of a product before she buys it.
  • Tries to buy natural/organic when she can especially when it comes to her children.

45+ years old (47% of users)

  • Enjoys hiking with her husband and two rescued dogs.
  • Has more time to do the things that are important to her.
  • Spends lots of time on the Care2 site and has made many friends.
  • Donates to charities.
  • Owns her own house.
  • Is willing to pay more for a natural socially responsible, or eco-friendly product.
  • Grows her own herbs and vegetables.
  • Loves sending e-cards to her friends.
  • Takes ethical considerations into account when investing her money.

Ready To Supercharge Your Community?