Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?
Heather Mansfield over at Nonprofit Tech 2.0 has a great post on How to Create a Mobile Website for Your Nonprofit for $8 a Month. She provides great tips for making your website mobile friendly which is becoming increasingly important as more people access websites via smartphones. Tips include:
- Setting up a blog on WordPress which can easily be converted into a mobile site through vendors like Mofuse Premium
- Having a functional verses slick designed mobile site
- Buying a “.Mobi” URL or setting your mobile website to
Is Twitter a News Network or a Social Network?
If you have been on Twitter for the last couple of years, you probably have noticed that breaking news often happens on Twitter before it hits major news networks like CNN. A new study concludes that Twitter has evolved more into a news outlet then a social network. Researchers found that the majority of topics discussed on Twitter were headline news (54 percent) and that "only 22 percent of 'follows' where one person chooses to include another's tweets on their page, were reciprocal. This is far lower than the reciprocal rates of typical social media sites, such as Flickr (68 percent).”
Spreadsheet Aerobics: Actionable Measurement for Social Media
Beth Kanter wrote up a terrific post on how she tracks the success of her Facebook Fanpage. The key metrics she looks at monthly from Facebook’s insight tool is:
- Total Interactions
- Likes
- Comments
- New Fans
- Unsubscribes
- Page Views
- Unique Page Views
- Photo Views
She downloads the data into a spreadsheet and has separate worksheets for each month so she can run reports on totals.
One of my favorite take-aways from Kanter’s post is “Your Facebook Page is like a garden that needs regularly tending. While automatically streaming content can give you some gains in efficiency, you can't be an absent landlord. You need to visit your page every day - especially if your engagement strategy is working and your fans are posting content, questions, or responses.”
You should follow Frogloop on Twitter.