With technology taking over almost every part of people’s lives it has become more and more important for nonprofits to leverage different online platforms. Nonprofit Tech for Good along with Your Public Interest Registry just released the 2017 Global NGO Online Technology Report, which details how NGOs across the globe are using different technology platforms.
We compiled some of their findings for you here and done some research to offer suggestions your organization can easily follow.
- 38% of global NGOs regularly publish a blog. There are many benefits to publishing a blog for your nonprofit. Publishing a blog can help keep donors up to date with news about your organization. It can also help you reach more people, increase the ranking of your website, provide press opportunities,and encourage people to have a conversation about the causes you champion.
- 71% of nonprofits regularly send email updates to subscribers. The number of email subscribers varies by size of the nonprofit, ranging from an average of 6,203 subscribers for small NGOs and 169,339 for larger organizations. We’ve talked about the importance of email as a tool for fundraising before but it helps to emphasize how effective a well-crafted email marketing campaign can be in raising funds for your nonprofit. Research finds that customized email marketing campaigns can increase click through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%.
- 67% of nonprofits worldwide accept online donations. Accepted payment methods include but are not limited to credit cards, PayPal, direct debit and digital wallets. Integrating a donate button into your website is critical and increases the likelihood that people will donate to your cause. More and more online platforms are releasing features such as Apple Pay, Facebook Fundraising, etc. that allow people to contribute to organizations directly through social media.
- 92% of global NGOs have a Facebook page. It is very likely that your nonprofit already has a presence on Facebook. Even though Facebook may not seem like the most innovative tool at your disposal, if used effectively, it can be helpful to keep your supporters up to date on your latest news and campaigns. By posting often, including pictures and information on your page, answering your messages, closely monitoring your comments section, and posting interesting content you can increase your visibility and attract potential donors.
- 32% of organizations globally have a written social media strategy. Considering how important social media has become for nonprofits to raise awareness, this number seems rather low. Outlining a clear social media strategy can help you stay on message, reach your fundraising goals and engage with your community. There are steps you can follow to craft an effective social media strategy but ultimately, your nonprofit needs to take the time to outline a social media strategy that your communications team can then implement.
Technology is everywhere and nonprofits need to find the best ways to leverage technology to their advantage. Having read some of the statistics outlined above, how does your nonprofit stack up?