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Care2 Team 6 min read

Corporate polluters give deregulation “wish list” to President Trump – Here’s what’s on the chopping block!

On December 5th, over 100 industrial trade groups published a list of environmental and safety regulations that they hope will be struck down by the upcoming Trump administration.

The “wish list” asks President Trump to expand oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, repeal plans to reduce carbon emissions from power plants, outright abolish the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and significantly downsize the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) … Among other frightening actions!

The most terrifying request is for the Trump administration to reverse the EPA's 2009 Endangerment Finding that carbon dioxide emissions are harmful to human health.

Reversing this finding would prevent the federal government from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, leading to increased pollution, and significant risks to public health. 

The 21-page letter targeting “burdensome regulations” aligns with the goals of Project 2025, a conservative movement to take partisan control of federal agencies and derail science-based climate policies. 

One of the deregulation items asks President Trump to relax the rule reducing fine particulate matter (soot) in manufacturing. Soot contributes to premature deaths and hundreds of thousands of asthma cases annually. 

In response to the letter, Steve Fleischli, senior director for air and water at the Natural Resources Defense Council, explained to the LA Times how deregulation would have serious consequences for the health of Americans. 

“These are really critical safeguards for public health, and undoing those would just have enormous implications for premature death and asthma and lost work days, sickness,” Fleischli said. “That’s just one rule that they want to roll back.”

A list of targeted regulations by category is below:

LNG Export Ban, NEPA Phase 2 Rule, UN Global Plastics Treaty

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (PM2.5 NAAQS), National Ambient Air Quality Standards (Ozone NAAQS), Power Plant Rules, Air Emissions Reporting Requirements, Waters of the United States, New Source Review Rule, Clean Air Act Section 112, IRA Energy Implementation, Implementation of the ADVANCE Act and Nuclear Fuel Security Act Programs, Vehicle Regulations, FAR Council Climate Disclosure Rule

PFAs, Ethylene Oxide, Toxic Substances Control Act mandates

Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s rulemaking, OSHA’s walkaround rule, Department of Labor’s overtime rule, Federal Trade Commission’s ban on non-compete agreements

Proxy Advisory Firms and the Proxy Process, ESG Disclosures, Antitrust rules

“March-in” Rights, Right-to-Repair

Cyber Incident Reporting, Consumer Product Safety Commission mandates, Food Traceability Recordkeeping Requirements, Registered Apprenticeships, Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards for Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

For more details and the full description of targeted regulations, read the letter here.

Over the last two years, Care2 has helped generate tens of thousands of emails to legislators, and hundreds of thousands of public comments for our clients. Reach out today to find out how we can help you fight these rollbacks!