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Ned Baker 12 min read

Where's the Care2 Team in June 2011?

There are conferences, and then there are e-conferences...and unconferences... and summits... conventions... forums... expos... banquets... dinners... galas... meetings... daycamp... bootcamp... rootscamp -- add these to the alphabet soup of acronyms and you've got a recipe for confusion! The truth is, there are just so many great conferences and events out there for nonprofits that it can be difficult to keep track of them all, much less to know which ones are worth attending.

The Care2 Team goes to many of these events, and from now on we want to make our Frogloop friends aware of them as well. So at the start of each month we’ll now be sharing a list of events that we’re participating in--whether we be attending, sponsoring, exhibiting, or speaking--you'll know where we are, and hopefully you'll be there too.

Are you planning to attend one of these conferences?  You should connect with us beforehand!
Go ahead and email our team members below--and stop by our booth if we’re exhibiting!

Are we missing a great event this month?
Please let us know in the comments where you'll be--and where we should be!

Event Dates Who's Going What We're Doing
Cause Marketing Forum
Chicago, IL
June 1 - 3 Justin Perkins
Clint O'Brien
Nonprofit 2.0 Unconference
Washington, DC
June 3 Jocelyn Harmon
Larissa Lawrence
Ned Baker
Bethany Hertel
Personal Democracy Forum
New York, NY
June 6 - 7 Eric Rardin
Cindy Samuels

LCV Capital Dinner
Washington, DC
June 7 Eric Rardin
Clint O'Brien
Sustainable Brands '11
Monterey, CA
June 8 Justin Perkins
AFP Fund Raising Day in New York
New York, NY
June 10 Jocelyn Harmon
Eric Rardin
Ashley Hansen

Tabletop #15
Silicon Valley Boomer Venture Summit
Santa Clara, CA
June 15 Randy Paynter
AAPC Strategic Outlook Conference: California Battleground 2012
Sacramento, CA
June 16 Eric Glader
Ellen Braverman
Netroots Nation 2011
Minneapolis, MN
June 16 - 19 Larissa Lawrence
Cindy Samuels

Digital Media Conference
Arlington, VA
June 17 Ashley Hansen
Boulder, CO
June 22 - 24 Randy Paynter
Justin Perkins

DMAW Social Media Marketing Day
Washington, DC
June 23 Ned Baker
Virtual Impact: The Business of Online Communities
San Francisco, CA
June 29 Randy Paynter