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James OMalley 1 min read

Take the M+R Online Monthly Giving Survey

MandR_Logo.gifWouldn't you love to know more about monthly giving?  That’s why our friends over at M+R have decided to take an in-depth look at nonprofit online monthly giving (a.k.a. sustainer/recurring) – and they want to include YOU in their short and easy survey of nonprofit organizations.

Help us (and the progressive community) better understand the current trends and strategies employed in online monthly giving programs by taking this short survey. All individual answers will be kept confidential.

Results of the survey will be shared in M+R’s upcoming study which will also include data they’ve gathered about online monthly giving metrics.

Thanks so much for your participation.


Feel free to contact Karen Matheson at kmatheson@mrss.com with any questions or requests for a copy of the study when it comes out in November.