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James OMalley 2 min read

A Procrastinator's Guide to Year-End Fundraising

snowflakes.JPGIt's November, crunch time for nonprofit fundraisers looking to cash in on some of the Yuletide cheer of the giving season.  Sure, you wanted to be ahead of the game, but you got tied up rockin' out on Monkey Island in Second Life.  Now, you need a surefire strategy to get you those key last minute donations.

If this is you, then "A Procrastinator's Guide to Year-End Fundraising" is a must-read on how to make up for the lost time.  Care2's very own Eric Rardin and Heather Holdridge, along with Mark Rovner and Sarah Haug of Sea Change Strategies, give you a crash course based on best available wisdom on how to design your web presence to maximize giving and broadly how to connect with new supportsers, and communicate year-round to foster the best possible relationships with donors.

 With as many as 98 percent of visitors to an organizaiton's donate page leaving before making a donation, the gang offers concerte action steps for increasing the percentage of visitors to your donate page who actually complete a gift.

Using their advice, you can make sure that the night before Christmas your potential donors' nerves aren't a-jangle, and they make that critical donation.

Click here to download the guide.