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Clinton OBrien 6 min read

Reward a Nonprofit Innovator with the Care2 Impact Prize

Clint O'Brien of Care2

We who work in the nonprofit sector are blessed to have many outstanding innovators in our midst. They are the ones who try risky stunts to advance great causes. Or else they’re data geeks who connect the dots so insightfully that they recognize before everyone else does that it’s time to try doing things differently. When these pioneers succeed, we all benefit from new, smart techniques that they’ve proven we should use. 

Three years ago Care2 unveiled a new prize – the Care2 Impact Prize – to honor our sector’s pioneers and leaders.

Today I’m pleased to announce the start of open voting to select the winner of our third annual Care2 Impact Prize, which recognizes individuals in the nonprofit sector who have made an outstanding impact on the field of online advocacy, online fundraising or both. Any member of the NTEN community is eligible to vote, starting now until the deadline at noon Pacific Time on Wednesday, April 10th. Only one vote per person will be counted.

The winner will receive a cash award of $1,000, plus Care2 will donate an additional $1,000 to their favorite charity. The prize will be awarded on April 13th at the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) in Minneapolis, during the awards luncheon hosted by our partners at NTEN.


Vote for the Care2 Impact PrizeThe 2013 Care2 Impact Prize finalists are (drumroll please):

Now it's up to members of the NTEN community (that means you!) to cast your votes to help select the winner!

In addition to voting for your favorite finalist from among the five esteemed nominees listed above, please do two more things to help your candidate to win:

1. Write a personal comment on this post about why you think they should win; and

2. Share your vote and comments with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and email.


FYI, the five nominees were selected (out of a pool of 20+ nonprofit sector leaders initially considered) by a panel of distinguished judges, namely: Mwosi Swenson of Donor Digital, Dane Grams of Amnesty International USA, Holly Ross of the Drupal Association; Graham Covington of Engaging Networks and Clint O'Brien from Care2. 

The judges considered four main criteria...

1. Innovation. Has this person introduced valuable new ideas and approaches to the nonprofit sector?

2. Influence. Has this person’s work produced a ripple effect to influence and benefit other professionals in the sector?

3. “Impact Delta.” Is there a quantifiably large difference between the “before” and the “after” of this person’s work – measurable in fundraising dollars, or the quantity and quality of advocacy victories won, or the number of citizens participating in a cause? [Note that a large impact at a small organization should be viewed as just as worthy as a big impact at a large organization.]

4. Advancing The Cause. Did this person help accomplish something that advanced their cause(s) meaningfully, such as via organizing or winning advocacy victories? Or by providing the funds needed to fuel campaigns that won victories.

Thanks to all of you who participate in the final voting process, to honor our sector’s very best leaders, innovators and pioneers.


>> Please vote today! <<