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James OMalley 5 min read

Replay: Using Email to Engage Activists, Cultivate Donors

Thank you to everyone who attended last week's Using Email to Engage
Activists, Cultivate Donors webinar hosted by Care2's Eric Rardin. In
case you couldn't join us or want to catch something you missed, you
can still view a free replay of the webinar in its entirety here.

Email remains the most reliable method for engaging supporters and
raising money online. But it's not always easy. Care2 Senior Campaigner
Natasha Nummedal and Maureen McGregor, Oceana's Manager of E-Activism
and Marketing, shared some of their keys to success in maximizing email
response rates and converting email subscribers into donors.

Click here to watch the replay.

Natasha Nummedal is Senior Campaign Manager at
Care2.  Natasha has a background in field organizing and grassroots
organization from 18 years of volunteer and work experience in the
human rights movement. Prior to joining Care2's campaign team, she
worked for Amnesty International USA's Urgent Action program and the
YMCA of Boulder Valley.

Maureen McGregor is the
E-activism Director at Oceana. After graduating with a degree in
marketing, Maureen decided she would rather "sell" a cause than a
product and started her career at Greenpeace.  She spent three years on
the Greenpeace web team before moving on to Oceana.  She's been running
Oceana's WaveMaker since 2006.

Your host is Eric Rardin, Director of Nonprofit Services at Care2.  Eric has more
than seven years experience with running integrated advocacy campaigns
for environmental nonprofits.  Most recently, at the Marine Fish
Conservation Network (MFCN), Eric helped lead a coalition of 190
organizations to successfully reauthorize the national law governing
fishing in U.S. ocean waters.  Eric has an MBA from the Carey School of
Business at Johns Hopkins University, an MA in government and
international studies from the University of South Carolina and a BS in
political science from the University of Wyoming.