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Care2 Team 2 min read

Paw-sitively Purr-fect Online Learning: The 'For The Paws' Summit

The For the Paws Global Fundraising Summit 2023 is the only international fundraising conference for animal welfare charities ... And, it's fully accessible online!

Join 450+ animal welfare professionals on April 3rd to 5th to learn about acquiring monthly donors, growing your major gifts file, digital fundraising strategies and more.

The Summit runs 2.5 hours a day, over 3 days, with a flexible schedule that makes it easy for you to network with your peers in live workshops and sessions. 

Best of all: Care2 has a special discount for attendees.

Use the code Care2Paws for 20% off the registration fee.

Whether you want to learn more about engaging on TikTok, stewarding legacy donors, or developing ethical storytelling practices, don't miss this paw-some purr-fessional development event!
