Mashable kicked off their third annual Social Good Summit Sept. 22nd in NYC. The summit runs though today, September 24th and explores the impact that technology is having on media, and how digital media is affecting our lives and changing the world.
The Social Good Summit brings together the brightest minds in media, including content creators, technology leaders, entrepreneurs, social media executives and journalists. And while many folks weren’t able to make the one-day conference in NYC over the weekend, over 300 cities across the U.S. and abroad are hosting Meetups today. Attendees will gather and answer the same question “How can new technology and new media create solutions for the biggest problems facing my community?”
DC Meetup
In you are in DC please join us (I'm co-hosting) for a great discussion by the United Nations and Screen on the Green at 1331 G St, NW, Suite 900 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Following the Meetup there will be a happy hour at Laughing Man Tavern.
RSVP here:
San Francisco Meetup 7PM PT 9/24
Folks in San Francisco will be meeting to brainstorm, celebrate, and design the future of what they like to call "Internet for Good."
Location: 22 Battery St, SF, CA 94111
RSVP Here:
LA Meetup 12PM PT 9/24
Location: Hotel Shangri-La Outdoor Courtyard, 1301 Ocean Ave Santa Monica, CA 90401
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Seattle Meetup 9/24 7PM PT
Location: HUB Seattle and Bainbridge Graduate Institute, 2601 4th Ave #310, Seattle, WA 98121
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