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Allyson Kapin 4 min read

7 Reasons Why Mobile Is Critical To Your Nonprofit

Allyson-Kapin-headshot1 …for starters, it’s in everyone else’s pockets. 91% of adults have their phone within arm’s reach 24/7. I know that it’s tough for nonprofits to find the budget and the time to make sure your website is responsive, but your donors, volunteers, activists and even your board members expect it. You don't want these audiences visiting your site from their phones and tablets and then be forced to look at a different site because your site looked funky, and was hard to read and search for info. A funder even recently expressed this frustration to me about a nonprofit they were evaluating for a grant. 

If your nonprofit needs to make the case to invest in a responsive website or make your campaigns more mobile friendly, Text Marketer created an infographic outlining 7 reasons why you need to go mobile.


Here's some info we pulled for you. 

Your audience can’t get enough. The average person looks at their phone 150x per day. That’s 1,050x per week. This means that if you can engage your audience, you can pretty much just live in their pocket and on their night stand. They might even fit you in before that last round of Candy Crush before bed.

Texts are like an appetizer on the beach, bite-sized, digestible, and light reading. 98% of all text messages are read. In addition, 44% of emails are now opened on mobile devices so be sure those emails appeals are responsive too. 

Your competitors have responsive sites. And we’re not trying to peer pressure you, but if you want to meet people where they’re at, mobile is key. A whopping 91% of the world’s population has a mobile phone, and 1.2 billion people are accessing the Internet through a mobile device. 

Engagement is booming! Business and company searches have gone up 500% on mobile in the last 2 years. People want to find you, and you should make it simple. 90% of mobile searches lead to some sort of action, which is critical for nonprofits.

Check out the rest of the infographic here:






Allyson Kapin

Allyson has been named one of "Top Tech Titans" by the Washingtonian, one of the Most Influential Women In Tech by Fast Company, and one of the top 30 women entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter by Forbes for her leadership role in technology and social media. As Founding Partner of Rad Campaign, she leads the firm's client and online strategic services. For over a decade Allyson has helped non-profit organizations and political campaigns create dynamic and award-winning websites and online marketing and recruitment campaigns. She works side-by-side with her clients to meet their web needs and maximize their online effectiveness to create real world impact.