<img src="//bat.bing.com/action/0?ti=5065582&amp;Ver=2" height="0" width="0" style="display:none; visibility: hidden;">
Justin Perkins 1 min read

Care2 Stats: A Sneak Preview

Care2's Current Membership:   5.7 million
New Care2 Memberships:  January 1-April 1, 2006:  478,641
Petition Signatures Collected:  January 1- April 1, 2006:   1,618,577
Care2.com Pageviews: January 1- April 1, 2006:   148,639,867
Total Newsletters sent: January 1-April 1, 2006:   37,938,556

Check out some of the results from Care2's Action Alert campaigns over the past year: http://www.care2.com/actionalerts/aa_list.html?type=success