Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

The Great Debate: DM vs. Online Acquisition

Written by Karen Taggart | 2007/7/17

As a former direct mail diva, I have a constant debate in my head about which type of donor/member acquisition is "best" – online or direct mail?

Fortunately for me, I had the chance to moderate a debate between two experts (one in each field) at the recent DMAW/AFP Bridge Conference.  And fortunately for you, Fundraising Success Magazine, featured an article I wrote summarizing the findings of the session – so check it out! ...and let me know what you think!

Special thanks again to the debate paricipants, Krista Harte Sassaman of Epsilon and Vinne Wishrad of Conservation International. 

Feel free to email me at if you would like a copy of the presentation materials.