Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Surprise! Only 5% of Websites Have a Twitter or Facebook Link

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2010/1/4

Factual, an “open data repository” analyzed 4 million websites via data from Common Crawl, a non-profit group designed to crawl the web and provide data for anyone to use. Check out the stats below.

*28% of sites have Google Analytics

*5% of sites link to their Twitter or Facebook profile

*2% of sites display both a Twitter and Facebook link

Danny Sullivan, a search engine expert analyzed another chart by Factual that showed additional stats but without exact percentages. After reviewing the charts he estimated about:

*20% of sites use Flash

*19% of sites have an RSS feed

*6% of sites show a sitemap file

*1% of sites have Quantcast tracking code

*0.5% of sites have a Creative Commons attribution

It would be fascinating to see a similar study done for nonprofit organizational websites and compare how nonprofits data measures up to the data from the 4 million random sites that were selected for this study.

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