Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

New Webinar: Donor acquisition best practices for 2021

Written by Care2 Team | 2021/6/17

Every year, charities and nonprofits experience churn on their donor file. A significant percentage of supporters will eventually stop responding to direct mail, donating online, following a charity on social media, or opening cause-related emails!

Do you know the techniques you need to refresh your base of support at the top of the funnel? 

In our latest Care2 webinar on June 24, guest expert Benjamin Johnson of Frontier Marketing (and the Frontier.FM podcast!) will share the proven engagement strategies that will help you find and retain new friends.

This session will feature examples from nonprofits like Medical Ministry International and small-shop organizations like The Dandelion Society.

And of course, once you have support, you can't stop nurturing it!

Ben will also dive into keeping the flame alive with your one-time donors, and demonstrate how to reinvigorate a flagging relationship with your existing loyal supporters.

If your organization has been struggling to retain 2019-2020 donors and attract new ones, now's the time to review your strategy for the year.