Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Why You Should Crowdfund for Your Nonprofit

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2015/3/11

Crowdfunding is a great tool to raise money and engage your audience and your donors. And, it might be surprising but it's even effective in engaging and retaining new donors. If that's not enough to get you out there crowdfunding right now, we've got more...

You might remember that we reported on an infographic last year called Cracking the Crowdfunding Code, released by Craig Newmark, of craigconnnects and craigslist. Just to remind you, here's a snippet:

And while that infographic talked a lot about best practices and crowdfunding facts, we've got some new information for you. MobileCause released an infographic with even more reasons that you should crowdfund.

A few highlights and tips on how to ramp up your crowdfunding:

  • Partner with celebrities in your community. This is a great way to kickstart a crowdfunding campaign with a bang. It can energize people and get them motivated to see someone that they look up to supporting your cause. 
  • Incorporate a video. Make sure that you're using videos when promoting your campaign. Individuals raise a whopping 4x more when videos are used.
  • Don't leave the Millennials out in the cold. Unfortunately, Millennials are often discounted as slacktivists or just plain lazy, but they don't deserve that bad rap. Millennials are creating real change, and they're also giving back. 71% of Millennials have fundraised for a nonprofit.

  • Remember the thank you note, but forget the gift. It's critical that you show your donors some lovin' and make them feel valued. That means thanking them when they support you. A study from Yale showed that thank you gifts reduced altruism and decreased donations.
  • Crowdfunding creates a sense of urgency. Crowfunding campaigns are most effective when you're raising funds for a specific project or campaign versus very generally for your org.

What crowdfunding campaigns are you going to take on this year?