Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Social Media Webinar on June 10th

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2009/6/4

Mark your calendars for one of the best webinars on integrating social media into your campaigns. The webinar "Share the Story: High Impact Ways to Integrate Social Media into Your Advocacy And Fundraising Campaigns" will take place on June 10th at 2:00 PM Eastern.

Click here to register.

The buzz surrounding emerging social media and its potential to maximize nonprofit fundraising and advocacy efforts has been huge. As a result, many nonprofit organizations are looking for a way to incorporate social media into their own fundraising efforts. Does your organization have a firm grasp of social media, the tactics for leveraging its potential, and a plan to measure the success of each tactic?

This webinar features Misty Meeks, Online Communications Manager at World Society for the Protection of Animals- Canada, and Robyn Erler, Manager of Activism Marketing at Care2. Robyn will provide an overview of online marketing strategy that successfully integrates social media into advocacy and fundraising campaigns, and Misty will share tactics and lessons learned from the nonprofit perspective.

The event will be hosted by Eric Glader, Director of Business Development and Nonprofit Services at Care2.
Advance registration is required so sign up now!