Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Infographic: 8 Effective Social Media Strategies

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2013/8/25

Even though social media has been around for several years, many organizations have not adapted a formal social media strategy. Having a social media strategy is important to measuring its impact on your organization and the community you serve. 

If you are just starting to map out your social media strategy, check out this great infographic I found on that highlights 8 strategies for you to consider. One of my favorite suggestions is "How will you be human?" You may think "oh that is so basic." But apparently it's not basic because so many organizations are actually NOT social on social media. Instead they use it as a platform to promote factsheets, blog posts, press releases, etc. Broadcast communications does not build community. But these social media strategy tips will definitely help you engage your community more effectively.