Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Increase your impact through nonprofit collaboration---Aug 24

Written by Justin Perkins | 2006/8/22

Special Event for nonprofit professionals sponsored by OneWorld.  Learn about and discuss how to increase your organization's impact through nonprofit collaboration featuring:

Jodie Evans, Cofounder of CODEPINK and Gael Murphy, Board Member of United for Peace and Justice, will talk about the successes and challenges in doing anti-war organizing as a organization and a coalition, and how their experience can be applied to other NGOs working to influence policy on a particular issue. __________________________________________________________________________________

Bobbi Russell, Associate Director of Green Media Toolshed, will talk about how nonprofits can collaborate around communications issues, such as sharing press contacts, images, as well as other campaign and project essentials. ________________________________________________________________________________

Seth Green, President of Americans for Informed Democracy, will talk about their experience collaborating with nonprofits--mistakes to avoid and things to do to increase your impact through collaboration.

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