Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Care2's Community Impacts Global Change

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2010/2/3

Communities like Facebook, Twitter, and Ning are great networks to help brand your nonprofit, engage with your supporters, and connect with potential new members. But there’s no question you need to invest time in finding those people who are passionate about your organization's issues. With cause-based communities like Care2 (the B Corporation that started the Frogloop blog) however, it’s easy for nonprofits to connect with over 12 million do-gooders who care to make a difference in this world.

In 2009, Care2's community created more than 22,000 petitions resulting in more than 23 million signatures that drove tangible changes globally. According to Care2’s Defining Causes Report, the issues that garnered the most support in 2009 were animal welfare, the environment and human rights.

Check out the results:

  • 8.7 million signatures on petitions related to animal welfare causes
  • 5.1 million signatures on petitions related to environmental causes
  • 4.3 million signatures on petitions related to human and civil rights causes
  • 2.5 million signatures on petitions related to health
  • 2.1 million signatures on petitions related to politics

The Care2 community’s signatures not only highlighted causes, but also had a direct impact on global issues including the European Union’s vote  to ban seal products, the passing of the American Clean Energy Security Act and the release of Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea.


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