Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

Blog Picks of the Week

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2012/2/24

We read a lot of blogs over here at Care2's Frogloop. Who caught our attention this week? Beth Kanter who shares tips for the content creation impaired, Tinu Abayomi-Paul who discusses why Storify is great to curate social content, and YouTube who is launching Next Cause. Check them out and feel free to share your own picks of the week.


Tips for the Content Creation Impaired

Even rock star nonprofit campaigners sometimes struggle to consistently come up with good blog content. Over on Beth Kanter’s blog, Beth shares some great tips and resources from Copyblogger on how to get the creative juices flowing again.  Some of the recommendations include:

  1. Compile a top 10 list
  2. Brainstorm with your collegues
  3. Ask your reader or people who follow you on Twitter and Facebook
  4. Interview someone who has done interesting work that relates to the topics you blog about
  5. Invite a guest blogger
  6. Highlight case studies

Read more of Beth’s post here.


Why We Love Storify

“Storify has always been an easy way to curate social content from multiple sources in multiple formats.  And it has the added benefit of allowing you to include your own commentary, said Tinu Abayomi-Paul.

“This platform is also a perfect fix for two common problems, A) the need to dash off a quick, yet useful blog post, that included social input, and B) attempting to cover a live event without being redundant, exclusionary, or boring.” And now Storify integrates with the iPad. Tinu think that this will have significant implications on how people curate their social content on the go. Read more here.


YouTube Launches Next Cause

YouTube has launched Next Cause, which will help nonprofit organization use online video to drive action. On April 2, YouTube is holding a summit in San Francisco where selected staff members from organizations will get trained in YouTube fundamentals and promotion and community engagement. The summit will even offer one-on-one consulting sessions where nonprofit staff will learn how to increase their YouTube presence from experts.

Applications for the YouTube Next Cause are due on February 27, 2012 at 11:59PM PT, and the selected nonprofits will be announced on March 5. This program is open to organizations that are part of the YouTube Nonprofit Program (full eligibility requirements). Apply online here: