Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media

7 Voting Resources You Should Know Before Heading to the Polls

Written by Allyson Kapin | 2012/11/5

After an intense year of candidates using every tactic under the sun to win votes for the 2012 election, citizens all across the U.S. will be casting their votes tomorrow on November 6th. If you are looking for last minute resources around the election, we have got you covered.

1. The Election Protection Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683), will be answered live from trained volunteers. Voters can call the hotline to ask voting related questions or report issues at the polls.

2. Our Vote Live: If you experience problems while you are at the polls, you can report them directly to the Our Vote Live website, which will map and respond to voting inquiries and incidents. You can also use the hashtag #OVLReport on Twitter.

3. PollVault: There are two very cool features to PollVault. 1. Type in your zip code and it will show you exactly what the ballot looks like for your state and neighborhood. 2. Select people and organizations you trust and see their positions on issues and candidates. Then you can either choose to keep your voting preferences private or share them with your friends, family, and colleagues via social media.

4. FiveThirtyEight: If you are a political junkie and love to follow the latest poll numbers, then bookmark FiveThirtyEight. Nate Silver who founded the site has a stellar reputation for predicting all the races. Let see how he does tomorrow.

5. My Vote, My Right Voter Protection Site: Learn about voter ID laws and steps to take to protect your right to vote tomorrow.  

6. Student Voting Guide by State: Students are an important demographic in the 2012 election. The Brennan Center for Justice provides an excellent resource for students and their rights to vote while they are at college and living out of state.

7.HeadCount: Need election info like where is your polling place or ID requirement? Do you need to verify your registration status? Head on over to and click on your state.