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2016 Digital Outlook Report


Ready, Set, Go! But where are we going?

2015 was a banner year for integration, as nonprofits reshaped and retooled to combine traditional (offline) and digital (online) endeavors, acknowledging that in modern marketing, digital shouldn’t exist in isolation.

The 2016 Digital Outlook Report is here, and it may surprise you or reaffirm your strategic decisions and investments this year. Data from hundreds of organizations across the globe has guided the findings — see how you compare! 

Care2, hjc, and NTEN have collaborated to bring you this recap of trends and strategies, highlighting best practices and expert insights along the way. In this report, you will find:

  • Case studies from digital strategy leaders representing organizations of all shapes, sizes, and budgets.
  • How experts are organizing their teams, getting buy-in and budget, and executing their digital strategy. 
  • A look at digital trends and strategies for nonprofit success in 2016 and beyond.

Hear about the report in person at NTC 2016 on March 24th in San Jose. Check it out here.

If you have any questions please contact us: ericr@care2team.com, emma.nguyen@hjcnewmedia.comallison@nten.org 

Download the 2016 Digital Outlook Report